English & Literature

The Aged Mother" by Basho "The Old Man at the Bridge" by Ernest Hemingway

Assess which character displays the greatest courage, Offer your specific reason(s).

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In terms of whose courage is the greatest, you will need to decide that for yourself, as each of the characters are courageous in different ways.

The old woman is courageous because she faces her fate head on.... always loving, and always guiding.

Her son is courageous for refusing to abandon her.... for carrying her home, knowing the possible ramifications he faced if discovered.

The old man is courageous because he stands (sits) prepared to face the approaching army. He doesn't stand against them, and he is exhausted.... thus, he cannot continue on his way. He must simply face what comes. For the old man, the only thing he has left to lose is his life.... and his life has been left behind.