English & Literature

On pages 170-182 of “They Called Us Enemy" by George Takei summarize the story in this chunk. What happened? Describe the setting and place/time

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When George's family relocated to East Los Angeles, Takekuma and Fumiko reopened their dry cleaning business. Fumiko learned that her parents survived the war, but her sister and her son, George's aunt and cousin, did not; they burned to death in a canal in Hiroshima. In grade school, George was singled out by a teacher who did not like him because he was Japanese. As a teenager, he learned about civics in school, and from his father. He went on to attend UCLA, where he studied theater and performed in a play called Fly Blackbird. In 1961 he performed in this play before Martin Luther King Jr. and got to hear the Civil Rights icon speak. He also recalls volunteering for Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign in 1952 and meeting Eleanor Roosevelt at the campaign headquarters. (His father complained he was feeling ill and left the campaign office early that day.)


They Called Us Enemy