English & Literature

describe the main characters and discuss physical descriptions and personality description in the book lighting by dean koontz?

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Stefan Krieger: strong secondary character. He's a German soldier during WWII who was involved in the time travel projects. After witnessing too much horror via the war, he devotes himself to the time travel aspect. He is solely obsessed and focused on a girl that he glimpses during a time travel episode. Her name is Laura.

Laura Shane: Protagonist. Each time she is about to experience some sort of horrific episode in her life, this blonde stranger shows up. She begins to call him her guardian angel. She is a classic damsel in distress, though with a bit more intelligence.

Thelma and Ruth: Laura's best friends in the orphange. Ruth dies later on in a fire, but Thelma goes on to become a rich actress.

Willy Sheener: child molester that works at the orphanage.

Danny: a boy Laura meets at college. He is clueless and stereotypically love struck. Predicatably, he and Laura marry.

Christopher Robin: aside from the obvious Winnie the Pooh jokes, this is the name of Laura's child.