English & Literature

Be Descriptive

On pages 156-169 of “They Called Us Enemy” by George Takei describe any examples of how the topics of justice, fairness, America, or history appear.(Are the people being treated fairly or unfairly? Is anyone talking about Justice or America?)And describe any problems that the characters are dealing with.

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In this section, the authorities were sewing seeds of anxiety among the internees, implying they would not be safe on the outside, and Fumiko and Takekuma have three small children to think about. Furthermore, they have been treated like enemies of the people within these camps, they surely assumed they would be treated just as poorly outside, and perhaps substantially worse. Then, after having renounced her citizenship in the home she knows, Fumiko learns that her parents are likely dead after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The artists depict her weeping in her husband's arms, a truly distressing image of a woman whose world is crumbling all around her.