White Noise

What is the setting in the book, White Noise?


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For the most part, the story revolves around Jack's immediate world. His home is a primary location, especially Jack and Babette's bedroom. For the first half of the book until Book 2, Chapter 21, most of the action occurs in Jack's home. It is also at the home that they see the dark, billowing cloud of Nyoplene Derivative that will force them from their homes.

When Jack and his family are forced to evacuate their home to the Boy Scout camp, we watch the family interact with other public individuals for the first time. As Jack moves his family from the Boy Scout camp to Iron City to avoid the airborne disaster, the terror of death grows more and more steadily for Jack.

Jack returns to his home after the disaster has passed, he attempts to resume his life of satisfied ordinary activities, but he cannot fulfill the same obligations with the same rigor that he did before.

