When the Sea Turned to Silver

Can you please list in the same order as listed in the book the 6 most important events of the plot and put a star next to the turning points. For the Book When the Sea Turned to Sliver by Grace Lin

When the Sea Turned to Sliver by Grace Lin

Can you please list in the same order as listed in the book the 6 most important events of the plot and put a star next to the turning points?????????

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1) Pinmei's grandmother is kidnapped and imprisoned by the emperor.

2) Pinmei and Yishan go in search of a Luminous Stone.

3) Pinmei, Yishan, and Lady Meng travel to the City of Bright Moonlight, where they learn that the emperor is really the Tiger King.

4) Pinmei and Yishan hear the emperor and King KaiJae discussing the Luminous Stone and Paper of answer. They also learn that the paper of answers revealed the emperor would become immortal.

5) Pinmei and Yishan flee with Lady Meng. They later learn that Lady Meng's husband has died, and the emperor wants to marry her.

6) After her husband's funeral, Lady Meng disappears into the sea. The emperor goes after Yishan, who is actually the Ginseng Boy, who then takes the Iron Rod and frees the tortoise.


When the Sea Turned to Sliver