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The story is written in first person from the perspective of the author, Le Ly Hayslip. An interesting journalistic tool is seen in the author's changing from past tense to present tense. The story is written in two very specific time frames - the author's childhood and youth and her return to Vietnam as an adult. The earlier time is written in past tense but the latter is written in present tense. This tense change makes the reader more aware of the changes in time and brings attention to the fact that the earlier time is written by the author from her memories. The perspective is entirely limited in that the author tells of her own experiences, thoughts and memories without revealing anything of the thoughts of others. For example, the author talks of the experience of her sister after the imprisonment of her husband. Le Ly much later says that her sister's life might have been much different if her family had stood behind her in that difficult time rather than leaving her to make her own way in the world. However, Le Ly does not discuss this with her sister directly.