When God Was a Woman

Who is The Young-God from When God Was a Woman and what is their importance?

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The Young-God is referred to in various languages by various names—Attis, Adonis, Baal, Damuzi, Osiris, or Tammuz. He is found throughout the Middle East as the son or brother of the Great Goddess whom she also takes as her lover and consort. The Young-God's death inspires annual lamentations among devotees of the Goddess. Eunuch priests become common in Sumer, Babylon, Canaan, and especially in Anatolia where they call themselves "Attis". Imitating the son/lover and shedding their maleness is the price males pay to infiltrate the priesthood. As patrilineal tribes become dominant, ritual regicide disappears and male deities bestow the right to rule to male kings.


When God Was a Woman