Welcome to the Monkey House

Who is Lew Harrison from Welcome to the Monkey House and what is their importance?

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Lew is radio DJ with his own show. He has Fred Bockman onto the show to discuss his astronomical finds. This is where the euphoric radio signal is first played. Lew is excited by the radio signal and immediately sees a way to package it and sell it. Driven solely by money, Lew pushes Fred to make the first Euphio. After its two-day test, Lew is obsessed about making more of them. He is full of many, many ideas about the various ways the radio waves can be broadcast and marketed. Even when the narrator and Fred jump ship, Lew is determined in his plan. His love of money is absolute. He finds new scientists and makes his own version of the Euphio. He is willing to do anything to get his machine approved for the mass market... including planting a Euphio machine in the FCC meeting room.