Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith

What is the author's style in Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott?

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The book is written in first person from Anne's point of view. The perspective is completely limited but is acceptable because the book is designed to be her understanding of various aspects of her life.

As is the case with any non-fiction work written in first person, there are some places where the reader may wonder if the story is completely accurate. It is human nature to tone down stories that put oneself in a bad light. This does not seem the case with Anne. Instead, she seems to honestly relate the stories of her addiction to alcohol and drugs and her relationships with men. She does go into detail on some points more than others. For example, she talks only briefly about one particular man, otherwise talking about her relationships in general. This actually makes it more believable she is telling the complete truth with the more detailed events.

The reader is left to decide some things for himself. For example, Anne tells of her need to please her father as a child and that she therefore acted as though she was not interested in religion. She later seems to make a commitment to Christianity but ends the book by saying she isnot sure "to whom" she prays. It seems to indicate she doubts her own convictions, though throughout the book she takes moments out from stressful situations to pray.


Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith, BookRags