Touching Spirit Bear

Cole felt abandoned and angry after Edwin and Garvey departed the island, what did he do in his anger?

Touching Spirit Bear

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Cole splashed gasoline all over his supplies and the cabin... and then he set it on fire.

He barged through the door of the shelter and glared around with wildness in his eyes. Beside the stack of cardboard boxes sa ta gallon of white gas for use in his lantern. Cole unscrewed the top. Recklessly, he splashed the gas over the supplies. He dumped the remaining fuel on the shelter walls. Ripping open boxes, he found matches, then, swaying on his feet, he pulled out a single match. He walked outside and stared at the supplies and at the shelter. His vision blurred. Rage controlled his tight grip on the match. It controlled the defiant flare of his nostrils and the striking of the match against the box. Rage controlled Cole’s hand as he drew back, paused for a split second,and then flipped the lighted match inside the shelter.


Touching Spirit Bear