To Room Nineteen

To Room Nineteen

1. describe the environment of the house in susan’s viewpoint before and after mathew’s betraying. 2. how is their bedroom described after the betraying? 3. what intelligent choices do they make in the beginning? 4. what did susan do and how did she feel in the hotel room at first and after mathew discovers it? 5. what was the center of susan and mathew’s life? 6. how was susan professionally? 7. how does susan try to solve the betraying in her head at first? 8. what was her hope after the betraying and before she went mad? 9. why does susan invent she has a lover? 10. analyze the meaning of the devil in the story. 11. why does the narrator say the demons have disappeared in the end of the story?

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2) From the text:

And they were paying it, willingly, knowing what they were doing. When they lay side by side or breast to breast in the big civilised bedroom overlooking the wild sullied river, they laughed, often, for no particular reason; but they knew it was really because of these two small people, Susan and Matthew, suppor?ing such an ediffce on their intelligent love. The laugh! comforted them; it saved them both, though from what, they' did not know.

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To Room Nineteen