Think Like a Freak

what is the game theory

what is the game theory from chapter 7 of tink like a freak

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Both King Solomon and David Lee Roth wrote poetry/lyrics, had many women/wives, both were Jewish and both were drawn to game theory. When two women both claimed to be the mother of the same infant, King Solomon threatened to slice the baby in half. He knew only the true mother would not allow the baby to be sliced in half and would rather give the baby up than see it slaughtered.

David Lee Roth’s rock band, Van Halen, had it in their contracts that M&M candies must always be in abundance backstage with the caveat that there be no brown M&Ms. The band members had nothing against brown M&Ms. The instructions about no “brown” M&Ms was on the last line of the contract rider. There were complicated instructions in the contract about electricity needs, safety precautions and many other needs and demands that the band wanted the promoters to read carefully. If there were brown M&Ms in the candy bowl it meant that the promoter had not read through the entire contract. Both King Solomon and David Lee Roth had engaged in game theory which is defeating an opponent or getting the better of him by anticipating his behavior.