The Woman in White

Who is Anne Catherick from The Woman in White and what is their importance?

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Anne Catherick is the "Woman in White". She doesn't know her father, and she is estranged from her mother. When we first meet Catherick, she is dressed in all white and walking alone on a highway outside of London. She escapes from an asylum, and over the course of the novel, she spends her time edluding spends recapture by the man who was responsible for her false imprisonment, Sir Percival Glyde. Her mother, described as a bitter woman, allows her neighbor, Mrs. Clements, to raise Anne.

Percival was responsible for sending Anne to a private insane asylum in order to silence her..... to keep his secrets safe. When Anne escapes the asylum, she goes straight to Mrs. Clements' house in London. She is kidnapped by Count Fosco, after which, she dies. Anne is them buried as Laura Fairlie (Lady Glyde), so that Laura's inheritance could be stolen.


The Woman in White