The Jewish War

Who is Antipater from The Jewish War and what is their importance?

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Antipater is the name of both Herod's father and his oldest son. Herod's father was an Idumaean and enemy of Aristobulus who encouraged Hyrcanus to seek protection from Arab king Aretas. Antipater wed an Arabian lady and had five children named Phasael, Herod, Joseph, Pheroras, and Salome. Aristobulus was poisoned and his son Alexander axed by Pompey, which motivated Antipater's commitment to Caesar. He gave him Roman citizenship and exempted him from taxation for his achievements. Hyrcanus was appointed high priest and Antipater became commissioner of Judea. Antipater appointed his son Phasael governor of Jerusalem and his second son Herod in charge of Galilee. The Roman Malichus conspired to have Antipater poisoned from his fear of Herod's rapid rise to power. Cassius conspired with Herod to ambush and kill Malichus while at dinner with Hyrcanus. Mariamme's grandfather Hyrcanus was heir to the throne but he was accused of conspiracy and executed with her brother Jonathan.


The Jewish War