The Titan's Curse

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Like with the other books in the series, Titan’s Curse is told from the first person perspective of Percy Jackson, a demigod living in the modern world. What makes this such an interesting choice is that readers get to see the actions and inferred thoughts of other characters through the eyes of Percy. While a book told in the third person might explain how Bianca sacrificed everything for Nico, Percy doesn’t see that until Bianca outright tells him. Instead, readers just see what he sees, a sister who is more than willing to ditch her younger brother at the first chance she gets. Similarly, readers only get to see Percy’s thoughts and reactions about the way characters like Zoe and Mr. D ask. To them, they are being unreasonable and treating him poorly for no apparent reason. Readers don’t get to know that both of them have their own issues with heroes that they are projecting onto Percy until they outright tell him. Overall, this ends up being a very effective story telling method that really sucks readers into the world.