The Time Traveler's Wife

What is the author's style in The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger?

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Written in the first person, the novel is divided between Henry's and Clare's viewpoint. This enables the reader an insight into the detailed emotions, feelings, thoughts and experiences of each main character. Cleverly written in diary format, it allows an intricate love story to be woven and lets the reader develop a deep and moving bond with both Henry and Clare. Niffenegger cleverly manages to portray the in-depth feelings both Henry and Clare have for each other and other people in their lives.

Weaving a multifaceted tale from two perspectives at all times throughout the novel allows you to understand both sides of the story from each of the characters' view points first hand. This is where The Time Traveler's Wife draws its power and delivers an intensely passionate and thought-evoking story, captivating the reader as the love story unfolds.


The Time Traveler's Wife