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The writing style, generally simple and largely free of technical jargon, indicates the author does not intend the text to be limited to experts and instead has targeted a general audience with, perhaps, a college-level ability to read and conceptualize the scientific process. The author's political bias is fairly evident in the text; this is balanced by the author's general tendency to state bluntly his bias. For example, he strongly objects to medical research being conducted on chimpanzees and suggests that is may not be appropriate on other classes of animals; he argues that languages and cultures are inherently valuable and should actively be preserved; and he argues that nearly all environmental damage is counter-productive and nonsensical. While some or all of these views are probably shared by many readers, they are nevertheless political opinions that often are presented somewhat disingenuously as rationally unavoidable conclusions of scientific investigation.


The Third Chimpanzee: the Evolution and Future of the Human Animal