The Stars Beneath Our Feet

The stars beneath our feet

i need help to find out the problem of chapter 28

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Wallace notes that he has not seen “stupid Vega” (201) in several days. Wallace says he has thought about sending Vega a message, but remembers that both their phones were stolen, which makes him angry again.

Wallace and Rose take down the rest of their buildings to clear out the storage room. They plan to give the Legos away to kids in the neighborhood. Wallace remembers the rest of his conversation with Benny that day. Benny had offered to buy Wallace a new phone, and pledged that he will always be there for Wallace. Before he could stop himself, Wallace said Benny should have been available for Jermaine. Benny did not become angry, but he says that Wallace was not in a position to judge. Benny also said Sue-ellen kicked him out, and that it was not his choice to leave. Wallace thinks about that, but then points out that Benny is happier now than he was while he and Sue-ellen were living together, and that living apart seems better for both of them.