The Sledding Hill

Who is Billy Bartholomew from The Sledding Hill and what is their importance?

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Billy Bartholomew is a teenage boy. He lives in a small town by the name of Bear Creek in Idaho. Billy is also one of the smartest boys in his class, and possibly even his school. Billy is best friends with Eddie Profitt. Billy's father is the janitor at the local high school. His mother left Billy and his father when Billy was three years old.
Billy is a short and very skinny kid. He loves to run and ride his bike, especially with his best friend, Eddie. Billy and Eddie are inseparable. Billy grounds Eddie in many ways. Because Eddie is very unfocused, Billy tries to keep Eddie out of trouble form going off on tangents in church and in class at school.
One day, while up at the school looking for his dad, Billy gets mad and kicks a stack of sheetrock that is leaning up against the wall. When Billy turns his back to it, the sheetrock falls on him, breaking his spine and killing him. Billy's spirit separates from his body, so he can see himself lying on the ground and he can also see when Eddie comes and finds his dead body.
Billy decides to remain Earthbound so he can help Eddie. Eddie is not only suffering the loss of Billy, but also his father too. When Billy starts talking to and appearing to Eddie, eventually Billy is able to help Eddie overcome his fear of loss and get back on track to living a normal life.