The Secret History of Wonder Woman

How did Lepore inform readers of the wide-ranging inequalities women were experiencing in the early 1900s while keeping the narrative focused around Marston and Wonder Woman?

This seemed like a difficult balancing act. What are the techniques she used to cover such a wide array of issues?

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Feminism and feminist movements are quickly established as of tantamount importance to the contributions of Marston in the creation and inspiration of Wonder Woman. Though much of the book reads like a biography of Marston and his family, Lepore consistently frames and situates the long and gestating development of Wonder Woman as primarily rooted in feminism. This is not to say she discounts Marston’s contributions, but rather shows how his contributions were frequently in and of themselves feminist. Lepore inextricably ties Wonder Woman to feminism through the space allotted to feminist history, parallels between Wonder Woman to feminist goals, and how Lepore chooses to close the book.