The Power of Six

Who is Number Seven (aka Marina; Genevieve; Birgetta; Minka; Yasmin from The Power of Six and what is their importance?

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Number Seven (aka Marina; Genevieve; Birgetta; Minka; Yasmin from The Power of Six is one of the ten Legacy children who escaped the destruction of Lorien (a planet in from a distant galaxy). She's lived at a convent named Santa Teresa since she and her Cepan arrived many years previously. Now 18, Marina is forced with the decision to either take her vows and remain as a nun, or to leave the convent. To leave the convent would be sure death since as a Legacy child (one of the Garde) she is being hunted down by the Mogadorians. Her Cepan, Adelina, has forgotten her sacred oath to educate Marina on the ways of Lorien, to tell her the history, and to make her ready to save herself, her world, and others. As she gets nearer to her birthday Mariana's Legacies begin to materialize forcing Adelina's hand. Her abilities include being able to heal things and she's begun having visions. Another girl, Ella, has arrived at the convent and they become fast friends. Later, she will learn that Ella came there specifically to find her and that she is also a Garde child.