The Power of Six

Who is Adelina (aka Odette; Signy; Zali; Fatima; and Emmalina) from The Power of Six and what is their importance?

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Adelina (aka Odette; Signy; Zali; Fatima; and Emmalina) from The Power of Six is Marina's Cepan (protector, teacher, and surrogate parent) on Earth. She was tasked with protecting Marina and when her legacies appeared, to teach her how to use them. However, Adelina has grown weary of being chased and when they find the convent and they are not bothered for many years, she begins to lose her faith in Lorien and to forget why she's there and what her duties are. She refuses to talk about Lorien to Marina, and will not show her where her chest is (an inherited chest from Lorien fully stocked with specific items pertaining to her legacies). Adelina finally snaps out of her delusions when they are attacked. She gives her life so that Marina can escape. She asks Marina for forgiveness for not preparing her better.