The Outsiders

The Outsiders

Reread the second-to-last paragraph of Chapter 2. Ponyboy doesn’t know what Socs worry about. What words does he repeat, and what does this repetition say about Ponyboy’s point of view?

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From the text:

So I figured it was all right to be sitting there with them. Even if they did have their own troubles. I really couldn't see what Socs would have to sweat about--- good grades, good cars, good girls, madras and Mustangs and Corvairs--- Man, I thought, if I had worries like that I'd consider myself lucky.

In the above section, Ponyboy repeatedly uses the word "good". In context, this repetition exposes Ponyboy's belief that his own problems (Greasers) surpass those of the Socs without exception.


The Outsiders