The Other Side of Truth

What happened to Sade and Femi in the immigration office?

The other side of the Truth Beverly naidoo by Jo burg

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When the children go with Mrs. Appiah and Mr. Nathan to the Immigration Office to have their photographs taken and to fill out forms, they wait in incredibly long lines in order to be attended to. The children must also be fingerprinted, a process which rankles Femi, asking why he must be fingerprinted if he is not a criminal. Femi grows more agitated before hearing the immigration officer say that he is unlikely to receive his temporary admission status if they cannot obtain proof of his identity. Femi allows his fingerprints to be taken.

After their fingerprinting, Sade and Femi must go back to a waiting room where Sade plays a game with herself, attempting to guess which countries all of the other
applicants are from. The two children have a short interview and their temporary
admission papers are signed. Mr. Nathan tells Sade and Femi that now that they have their papers, they are ready to begin going to school.


The Other Side of Truth