The Night Gardener

What does the The Wedding Ring represent?


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The wedding ring symbolizes true love and heartbreak. The wedding ring, which is dark in color with a blue quartz resembling a diamond, is given to Constance by Bertrand on their wedding day. Knowing he is poor, she does not expect such a gift. She does not care that it is not composed of real silver or a real diamond, but she treasures it because it represents the love she shares with Bertrand. When Bertrand falls into debt, sells the ring, and submits to the tree, Constance feels as if Bertrand’s love is slipping away. She continually seeks out new rings from the tree as she wastes away, wanting his love back and feeling brokenhearted in the process. Constance must constantly seek out new rings to remind herself of that love because the thinner she gets, the current ring stops fitting. It is a wasting away of love as much as her body and soul.