The Most of P.G. Wodehouse

What is the setting of The Most of P.G. Wodehouse by P.G. Wodehouse?

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The stories are all set in turn-of-the-century England among the finer elements of society. Since the Drones Club is a gentlemen's club made up of professional men and men who come from wealthy families, all of their adventures take place either in the midst of or on the fringes of high society. The stories are geographically fairly well scattered across the countryside, at family estates, and in small rural towns and suburbs, as well as inside the city of London, although there are some, like "All's Well with Bingo", that reach as far away as Monte Carlo. The atmosphere in England in that era was defined by the play of its affluent members, making it the perfect setting for stories told with the unworried humor and playfulness of Wodehouse's storytelling, since courtship, gambling, country picnicking and frolicking across Europe were the era's most beloved pastimes.


The Most of P.G. Wodehouse