The Most Fun We Ever Had

How does the author portray the mothers of Shady Oaks in the novel, The Most Fun We Ever Had?


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The mothers of Shady Oaks are like caricatures of wealthy suburban mothers who hover over their children and create elaborate schedules filled with play dates and child enrichment activities such as "Bongos by the Boatyard" (511). Violet has her own ostentatious schedule including her Vinyasa yoga and wine nights. Violet's home is a sprawling testament to success, complete with a "guitar room" (510). As Wendy gets the tour of the lavish dwelling, she wryly compares the tour to a "very boring episode of Cribs" (510). The author juxtaposes Shady Oaks with Fair Oaks to mourn the death of traditional marriage and family life, and highlight some of the superficiality of modern society.

