The Monkey's Paw

What is the author's style in The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs?

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Foreshadowing is a technique in which the writer hints at the events to come. Sometimes, authors depict events early in a story that are really microcosms of the plot that is soon to unfold; other times, writers create this effect by developing an atmosphere that projects the tone of what is about to happen. For instance, a rather cliched example would be a stormy night on the eve of a murder. Jacobs uses both types of foreshadowing techniques in"The Monkey's Paw."

Two other techniques that Jacobs uses with great skill and subtlety are imagery (the picture created by the story's language) and symbolism (the meaning of an image beyond its literal description). Often, when an image is repeated, it then becomes symbolic. One such image in "The Monkey's Paw" is fire.


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