The Master Puppeteer

Predict the resolution of the novel and then make a different one.

the master puppeteer school homework help

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In the novel's resolution, Jiro meets his father on the streets during the riot, where he learns that his father was never sick, and that he is a member of Saburo's gang. Jiro also learns that his mother is missing. Jiro finds Kinshi and his mother at the police station, and he them proceeds to disguises himself as a fireman to get them out. He is almost caught but manages to get away..... horrified to see that Kinshi's hand has been cut off.

They take Kinshi back to the theater, where he is looked after by his mother and Jiro's mother. Okada has decided to forgive and trust Jiro, and Yoshida formally offers him a place at the theater. He also says that Jiro's mother can stay there and be cared for. Kinshi will be taken in by Okada. This is a happy ending for both boys.


The Master Puppeteer