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Chef Pardus is the first chef that Ruhlman has in his classes at the CIA. Pardus plays an influential role in Ruhlman's achievements and attitude at the CIA. Pardus is originally from Connecticut and after graduating high school, he hitchhikes to Boston. After getting small side jobs for a few years, he decides that he wants to attend the CIA. His father will not give him the tuition money since he had blown the previous tuition on Boston University without attending any classes. Eventually, Pardus moves back home and saves the money to attend the CIA. From there, he works at various restaurants until he comes back to the CIA to be an influential teacher, instructing all students through their Skills courses. He will be a driving force for Ruhlman's views while at the CIA and his main motivation in becoming a true cook.


The Making of a Chef: Mastering Heat at the Culinary Institute of America