The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill

What is the author's tone in The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill by William Manchester?

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Manchester writes the book is an objective tone from the third person point of view. He presents the facts very objectively without trying to force any points or views on the reader. There are a lot of facts presented in a book of this kind. Not only does Manchester not try to force a point of view, he also does not let the reader know his own personal opinions on any of the issues. He also does not come across as being judgmental in any way.

The objectivity of the writing style basically gives the reader the facts in a non-emotional way and lets the reader make up his own mind. He does not ever criticize Churchill for any of his positions even though many other people do. He just presents the facts with a lot of details and allows the reader to draw his own conclusions. The affect on the reader is that the reader begins to think about the different issues and decides on his own if he does or does not agree with Churchill or whatever the issue is.