The Kitchen House

What are the characteristics of Mama Mae?

From the kitchen house the book

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Mama Mae is the head of the kitchen on Tall Oaks. Formerly a field servant, Mama Mae was moved into the big house when Belle was born and her mother died. Mama Mae had recently had a child of her own and provided Belle nourishment. This lead to a job in the house and later to the head job in the kitchen.

Mama Mae is a kind woman who becomes surrogate mother to all the children on Tall Oaks. Lavinia is no different. Mama Mae helps Lavinia overcome her illness and become a part of the family on Tall Oaks when she first arrives. Mama Mae also tries to help Lavinia when she becomes mistress of Tall Oaks. In the end, Mama Mae dies because she wants to protect Belle from Marshall. It is Mama Mae’s death that bookends the novel and shocks Lavinia into taking the blame for Marshall’s murder.


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