The Hiding Place

What is Corrie's description of Betsie's appearance in death? What were Corie's words expressing how she felt about having to leave Betsie's sweater? Betsie's death was terribly hard on Corrie, but something was special about it that helped her endure.

The Hiding Place by Corie Ten Boom

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For there lay Betsie, her eyes closed as if in sleep, her face full and young. The care lines, the grief lines, the deep hollows of hunger and disease were simply gone. In front of me was the Betsie of Haarlem, happy and at peace. Stronger! Freer! This was the Betsie of heaven.

The sweater....

I stooped to pick it up. The sweater was threadbare and stained with newsprint, but it was a tangible link with Betsie. Mien seized my arm. "Don't touch those things! Black lice! They'll all be burned."

And so I left behind the last physical tie. It was just as well. It was better. Now what tied me to Betsie was the hope of heaven.


The Hiding Place, pg. 199