The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee

What is a short-summary of Part I in the nonfiction book, The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee?


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Part 1 describes Native life in each region of the United States starting with early archeological evidence and continuing to the interactions with European and American colonists. It ends with the Wounded Knee massacre in 1890, which is the jumping off point for Treuer’s narrative. His intention is to provide a sequel and counter-argument to Dee Brown’s 1970 book, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. Brown’s book left the impression for many readers that Indian culture had come to a tragic halt with the horror of the Wounded Knee massacre. Treuer wants to demonstrate that since time immemorial, including in the traumatic period since the European invasion, Indians have adapted creatively to changing and adverse circumstances and are today a vibrant part of American life.

