The Guineveres

What is the main setting in the novel, The Guineveres?


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The Sisters of the Supreme Adoration is the convent where The Guineveres live, as well as the novel's main setting. It is a huge, imposing building that is sometimes described as a castle. The castle almost takes on a persona for The Guineveres when they sit in its shadow and feel as though it looms over them, confining them away from the outside world.

The convent consists of the living space for the nuns, the Bunk Room where the girls sleep, the Rec Room, classrooms, the cafeteria, the third floor Penance Room, and the Sick Ward, which houses elderly patients and unconscious soldiers. Ginny also discovers that there is a back staircase that leads from the third floor to the Sick Ward. The Guineveres use this staircase to sneak in to see their boys at night while the other girls sleep.

While the girls all want to escape the convent, it eventually becomes home to Vere who decides to stay there and raise Gwen’s daughter.


The Guineveres