The Glory Field

The Glory Field Book

What happens at Live Oaks Plantation to change Lizzy’s life? How does she feel about her place on the plantation before and after this event?

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Lizzy lives at the Live Oaks plantation with Moses and Saran. She was purchased by Master Lewis when she was a young child. Lizzy spends a lot of time with Master Lewis' daughter, Julia. The two becomes friends, and Lizzy enjoys dressing up in Julia's pretty clothes and having tea parties.

One day, Lizzy is severely beaten by the overseer for attempting to help a slave who has been beaten and tied to a tree. When another slave runs out to help them, they all have put themselves in danger and are forced to flee the plantation. During their journey, they come across Union soldiers. Joshua and Lem join the army and Lizzy follows. Lizzy and Lem later marry and have a child.


The Glory Field