The Girl Who Lived Twice

What is the significance of the title, The Girl Who Lived Twice?


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The title, The Girl Who Lived Twice, is significant because it symbolizes the dual nature of Lisbeth's life. First of all, she lives twice in a sense because she has a twin sister. In addition, her twin leads a very different life form the life that Lisbeth lives. Thus, in this sense, the embryo that started Lisbeth's life lives twice. In addition, it symbolizes Lisbeth's character. She has a good heart and does good deeds. However, she also commits criminal acts in an effort to deliver justice. Some people, like Thomas, see her as dangerous. Others see her as a good, albeit troubled, person. Finally the title symbolizes Lisbeth's decision to begin again at the end of the narrative. In this sense, she will live twice as she puts an end to her previous life.


The Girl Who Lived Twice