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After escaping from the Worsted Woods and from an attack by the Marquess' lions, September has four important encounters en route to rescuing Saturday and Ell from the Lonely Gaol. The first is at the office of Mr. Map, a living map who gives her important information about the Wrench she now carries, and who hints that he may, at one time, been the beloved of Queen Mallow. After leaving Mr. Map, September constructs a boat from fairy wood and sails The Perverse and Perilous Sea. There she has a brief conversation with a Shark, whose comment that "We keep moving until we stop" can be seen as a literal explanation of how a shark lives and a metaphorical representation of September's quest. Later in her seafaring journey, September visits two islands. On the first, she encounters a race of half-people - literally, people cut in half who join themselves to whatever other half-person they choose. One of these half-people she encounters is Nor, who offers to make September a pair of shoes that will get her home. September's rejection of these shoes can be seen, as previously discussed, a manifestation of the narrative's thematic exploration of the power of choice and the value of self-sacrifice.

