The Fencing Master

How does Arturo Perez-Reverte use imagery in The Fencing Master?

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Examples of Imagery:

Don Jaime shook his head, ironic and indulgent. "Fencing is like holy communion," he said with a smile. "You must come to it in a fit state of body and soul. If you break that supreme law, then punishment is bound to follow."

"Ours is a dying art, madam," he replied. "Duels with foils are now rare events, given that the pistol is so much easier to handle and does not require such rigorous discipline. Fencing has become a frivolous pastime."

The puppet refused to play anymore; he had broken free of the strings. Now he would act on his own initiative; that was why he still had said nothing to the police. With the confusion gone, he was filled instead by a cold anger, by an immense, lucid, calm hatred.


The Fencing Master