The Fall of Gondolin

Who is Voronwë?


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Voronwë is Tuor’s closest companion who takes Tuor to Gondolin for Ulmo. Voronwë is an adventurous Eldar who was born in Middle-earth. He was sent as a messenger to try and convince the Valar to help the Noldoli, but was on the last ship to be sent out to the Great Sea. While Voronwë is devoted to Ulmo, he is afraid of the darkness out in the ocean as well as the storms he faced while traveling. Voronwë is an advocate for Tuor that forces Turgon and the other Noldoli to speak with Tuor despite the fact he was an outsider. Voronwë is as wise as Tuor and learns many things while in Gondolin. At the end of the novel, Voronwë protects Idril and escapes along with the other survivors to the Sirion River.