The Eye of the World

Ba'alzamon, Shai'tan, the Dark One


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The Dark One is the protagonist of the story, the evil who is behind the Trolloc attacks, directing the Myrddraal, and hunting the three boys. The Dark One was bound to Shayol Ghul by the Hundred, but his counterstroke tainted saidin, the male half of the One Power, and drove the Hundred mad. Those hundred were joined by more and more as male Aes Sedai began going mad from the taint. They caused the Breaking of the World, and though Ba'alzamon was imprisoned for millennia, the seals are weakening on his prison and he is gaining power once again. Without the male Aes Sedai, there is none powerful enough to contain him again, but he fears the Prophecies telling of the rebirth of the Dragon. He has his forces search for a boy of a specific age, his only clue as to the identity of the Dragon Reborn. He corrupts Padan Fain, a loyal Darkfriend, and turns him into an effective hunter. Padan Fain spends years searching and finally determines it must be one of three boys from Two Rivers: Rand, Mat or Perrin. Ba'alzamon has his forces attack and pursue the three boys across the land while he visits them in their dreams, trying to learn which one is the boy he seeks. He also lets his plan be known that he intends to blind the Eye of the World and slay the Great Serpent, kill time to escape forever. This leads to a confrontation between him and Rand, who wields the power of the Eye against him. He informs Rand that they have battled each other for Ages, and will for Ages to come. Rand severs the connection between Ba'alzamon and his power and tries to destroy him. Ba'alzamon's fate is unknown, Rand believes him dead but Moiraine believes he has only been diminished.