The Essential Rumi

What is the author's style in The Essential Rumi by Maulana Jalial al-Diin Riumii?

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The Essential Rumi is a compilation of poems from each main phase of the author's creative and productive periods of his life. They have been put together in a partially chronological order, following after the manner in which they were produced.

The book itself has grouped sets of poems together under headings. Each heading indicates a theme. There are twenty-eight of these. Among them, there are poems that directly refer to the specific man who was Rumi's best friend. The author did not question nor withhold his love from his closest friend. Each of the headings contains as few as ten poems or as many as thirty. The majority of them fall in between these endpoints. Extremes is not the right word due to it implying an emotional quality that is not there in the editor's choice of how many poems to fit under one thematic heading.

