The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat

How does Ryszard Kapuscinski use imagery in The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat?

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"I had fetasha dreams. A multitude of dark, dirty, eager, creeping, dancing, searching hands covered me, squeezing, plucking, tickling, threatening to throttle me, until I awoke in sweat. I couldn't get back to sleep until morning." (26)

"The high school students came out into the streets, attacking and burning buses, and let me mention that His Impeccable Highness owned the bus company. Trying to suppress these pranks, the police catch five high school students, and in a lighthearted mood send them tumbling down a steep hillside and take potshots at the rolling boys. Three of the boys are killed and two seriously wounded." (121)


The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat