The Egypt Game

Who is April? What's she like?

egypt game

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Last updated by Jill W
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April is a sixth-grader at Wilson School, a friend of Melanie Ross, and granddaughter of Caroline Hall. April is sent to live with her grandmother in August, just before the start of sixth grade. April hopes that this visit will be temporary but knows in her heart that it probably is not.

April is different, having grown up in Hollywood. She uses what Melanie calls the "Hollywood Act" to avoid caring about anything or anyone. She is a child who, in the past, has been forced to act like an adult by her mother, Dorothea.

Once April meets Melanie and they form a friendship based on shared imagination, April can be herself. She fits in at school and even makes new friends. Two important turning points occur for April: she seeks the comfort of her grandmother after she's been hurt and she summons the strength to say no to her mother's invitation to visit over Christmas, preferring to keep the plans she's made with her grandmother.

