The Dog of Tithwal

Discuss how the logic of national boundaries seems to extend to the animal kingdom in the story. How does matno use this idea to show the senselessness of violence and its effect on its victim

Discuss how the logic of national boundaries seems to extend to the animal kingdom in the story. How does matno use this idea to show the senselessness of violence and its effect on its victim

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Last updated by Jill W
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In this novel, the dog is treated like a citizen of a country...... both countries. Unfortunately, both groups, the Pakistanis and the Indians use the dog as a souce of antagonism. This kind of treatment is not the norm for dogs. In most countries (Western), dogs are treated with kindness, they're pets.... members of the family. The actions of the soldiers are thus seen as repugnant to a large portion of the world. To use an animal in such a way is inhumane and senseless. As a result, Manto's choice of using a dog to portray the senseless violence and conflict makes the setting easier to understand.