The Diary of a Young Girl

find page numbers to these quotes

¨think of all the beauty left around you and be happy.

I´ve found that there is always some beauty left-- in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself these can help you.

¨No one has ever become poor by giving.

¨I don't think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains.

¨Memories mean more to me than dresses.

¨those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery.¨

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Page numbers vary.... thus, I am provideing you with the dates, under which, the quotes appear.

TUESDAY, MARCH 7,1944: ¨think of all the beauty left around you and be happy.

I see no evidence of the second quote.

I see no evidence of the third quote in the text.

What version or publication of the novel are you using?