The Demon King

summary of chapter 3 of the demon king

summary of chapter 3 of the demon king

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Half a mile from camp, Han realizes they are being followed. He doubles back, tackling the figure into the creek to discover it is Dancer's sister, Digging Bird. She suggests they head for Marisa Pines Camp where Willo welcomes Hunts Alone and finds him some clothing he can wear, taking his boots to clean them as well. Bird brings a basin of hot water and soap, and he washes while she scrubs the cuffs on his wrists - a gift from his mother when he was too young to remember. Magical, they grow with him and cannot be removed. Bird asks if he plans to come to her renaming feast, and he asks what vocation she's chosen. She admits she wants to be a warrior, and train at Demonai. He says she'll be a great warrior, and she leans in and kisses him without warning. When he makes his way back to the common room, he hears Dancer and Willo arguing about their encounter with the Charmcasters. Han backs away quietly, not wanting to interfere, and sees her obvious distress when she discovers not only who they confronted, but that Han held a bow on them. Willo says she will talk to the queen in an effort to get her to enforce the Naeming which keeps the wizards out of the mountain regions. Willo asks Dancer if he's been taking the flying rowan she gave him, and Han wonders what is wrong. Flying rowan, known as mountain ash, is used to make talismans and amulets to ward off evil.