The Dark Room

What will be the theme of the Dark Room which was written by rk.narayan?


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The theme of the Nazi occupation of Germany and the resulting Holocaust are prominent throughout the novel, but from different perspectives, allowing readers a rare glimpse into all aspects of World War II. Helmut, an innocent young German male, wants more than anything to help defend his country. Not knowing of the Holocaust, Helmut simply wishes to help his homeland. While he does not participate in the German occupation, he does join the forces that are responsible for the deaths of millions. However, his clear desire is not based in Anti-Semitic views, but rather, stems from his desire to be an accepted member of society.

Lore and her family are also affected by the Holocaust, although not as survivors or soldiers, but as victims of circumstance. Vatti, a soldier in the German Army, and Mutti, a member of the Nazi Party, are taken away from the children for punishment. Left with nothing but their own intelligence, the children are forced to travel through war-torn Germany, feeling the stigma of the Party at ever turn. While innocent of any crime, Lore and her family are taken advantage of, used, lied to, accused of stealing, and treated badly, all due to their status as the children of the German occupation.

Micha's journey to discovery perhaps best illustrates this theme. Along his path, Micha finds images of the deceased Jews, SS soldiers, and villages torn apart by war. He encounters numerous individuals whose lives were drastically changed because of the Holocaust and due to the occupation by German soldiers. It is clear, through these individuals, that the horrors of the Holocaust are not easily forgotten.

