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A few days later, the two families arrange that Sarun, as the head of his family, should join Grandpa Kem's "team", one of many such mini-communities grouped together to aid in, and equalize, the distribution of supplies. Sarun and Kem's families, Dara comments in narration, already feel like one family. When the time comes for the supplies to be delivered, Dara accompanies Sarun, Kem and other members of the team to the distribution site, where Dara is amazed and impressed to see how smoothly it all goes. Later, when they return to camp, Sarun proudly shows Nea what he has brought home - not only food supplies, but bags of rice seed to be planted when they return home. As Sarun and Nea speak flirtatiously to each other, their conversation revealing Sarun's plans to get gardening and fishing tools from the next distribution, to take them home and to rebuild his family farm, Jantu pulls the nosy Dara away, saying the two teenagers want to be alone. When Dara impulsively asks whether they'll be getting married, Jantu says there's a lot of time before the rice seed has to be planted, and anything could happen. Dara comments in narration that for the first time in a long time, she felt hope for the future.